The Magic Bullet is an entirely new concept in labor-saving devices. Unlike bulky blenders and unwieldy food processors that most of us only pull out of storage for specific recipes and special occasions, the Magic Bullet is so handy, so versatile and easy to use that you.

Using the Magic Bullet® Blender is as easy as 1, 2, 3 ...

Load the ingredients into the Short Cup, Tall Cup, or Party Mug.

Twist on the Cross, or Flat Blade until the blade and cup have a tight seal.

Line up the tabs, place THE BULLET™ on the Power Base and press down on the cup to turn it on.

Lock Here\\\'s how it works: As long as you\\\'re holding it down, the Magic Bullet is on. When you want the blades to stop, simply let go.

Or, for hands-free operation: Press down and gently turn the cup clockwise until the tabs lock under the lip of the Power Base.

Now the Magic Bullet is in Lock On mode where the motor runs continually. To turn it off, simply twist the cup back counterclockwise and release the cup.

1 x Magic Bullet High Torque Power Base

2 x Blades – 1 cross, 1 short

2 x Bullet cups – 1 tall, 1 short

2 x Tops – 1 shaker, 1 steamer

2 x Stay fresh re-sealable lids

1 x Magic Bullet blender with lid

1 x Magic Bullet juice extractor